
“This function uses a combination of SCAS and STOS to do its work. First, explain what is the type of the [EBP+8] and [EBP+C] in line 1 and 8 respectively. Next explain what this snippet does.”

mov edi, [ebp+8]
mov edx, edi
xor eax, eax
or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
repne scasb
add ecx, 2
neg ecx
mov al, [ebp+0xC]
mov edi, edx
rep stosb
mov eax, edx


  • Line 1: We set EDI to be the value at EBP+8
  • Line 2: We save the value of EBP+8 to EDX.
  • Line 3: Clear out EAX, aka set EAX to 0.
  • Line 4: Set ECX to 0xFFFFFFFF or -1 by OR’ing all of its bytes with 0xFFFFFFFF. As 0x1 OR 0x1 = 1, and 0x1 OR 0x1 = 1, all bits will be set, making it -1.
  • Line 5: Read value held in EDI, aka the value pointed to by EBP+8, and check if it is the same as EAX, or 0. When we look at the REPNE instruction, we can see this is essentially a strlen operation as we will keep repeating this operation and decrementing ECX by 1 each time until we hit a NULL byte terminator aka 0.
  • Line 6: Add 2 to ECX. If we performed the STOSB instruction 8 times, the value in ECX would be -9. Adding 2 to this value will make it -7, aka the negative equivalent of the number of characters in the string before the null byte.
  • Line 7: Use the NEG ECX instruction to do a 2’s compliment operation on ECX and in effect flip the sign bit of ECX, transforming it from a negative number to a positive one. In our example, ECX would go from -7 to 7.
  • Line 8: Move byte held at EBP+0xC into AL.
  • Line 9: Set EDI back to the address pointed to by EBP+8 using EDX, where we had saved the original EBP+8 value.
  • Line 10: For ECX times, aka the number of characters in the string as determined earlier, write the byte contained at EBP+0xC, aka AL, into the string array pointed to by EBP+8, aka EDI.
  • Line 11: Move EDX, aka the start of the string buffer or EBP+8, into EAX so we can return it to the calling function.

So in essence this could be simplified down to the following in C:

int len = strlen(*(EBP+8));
memset(*(EBP+8), (BYTE *)(EBP+0xC), len);

We also can answer the other question as we now know that [EBP+0xC] is a pointer to a byte value to use for the memset operation, and [EBP+8] is a pointer to a NULL terminated string which we want to memset to the value pointed to by [EBP+0xC].

Hope that helps!